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Strategies for Employee Engagement

  • 02/11/2022 3:44 PM
    Message # 12593363

    Describe strategies your Organization is utilizing to get employees to join and engage in educational offerings during challenging times of low staffing/high census and COVID precaution guidelines.  

    Moved from Members-Only Forum: 04/05/2022 2:32 PM
  • 02/14/2022 8:10 AM
    Reply # 12598396 on 12593363

    I really like the Grand Rounds that my organization does. You can attend them virtual-in-person "live" but they are also posted on a mediasite page where you can go after the fact if you were not able to attend.  I have a short list of presentations that I want to go back and watch when I have time!

  • 02/14/2022 9:43 AM
    Reply # 12598619 on 12593363

    I too have a list of Grand Rounds that I would like to attend, Lindsey. 

    Making sure the managers are aware of a class we are providing well in advance, so they can actually place the class on their staff schedule's and determine the number attending meets COVID guidelines. 

  • 02/15/2022 10:31 AM
    Reply # 12601619 on 12593363

    Some strategies our Corporate Education department is using include:

    • Bringing the education to them on the unit and doing short pieces of education such as with the Lifepak on a cart and showing quickly how to remove the test plug and attach the pads.
    • Setting up traveling education on poster boards.  This education is setup in the department for a designated timeframe for staff to complete as they have a moment.  
    • We have utilized a hybrid learning with both poster board education and a quiz in our LMS to capture the training.
    •  We are using more virtual presentation platforms to reach staff across our system in an efficient way.  This also helps to drive up the number of participates for the classes.

  • 04/06/2022 11:24 AM
    Reply # 12696863 on 12593363
    Michelle Helin (Administrator)

    Great ideas @Jackie!   @Janice - How do you help the managers to know about the classes, when they seem so busy themselves?

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